Application Fee Paid Online Confirmation
You'll be receiving a notification that your application fee payment in the amount of $450.00 has been received.
If you have not done so already , please upload/ e-mail, or fax us your income verification documents for the last 60 days with a copy of a state-issued identification card. You may send us any documents that verify your regular monthly income such as pay stubs, check stubs, or other officially issued docs. Management has the right to verify any information provided by the applicant and to request additional info.
Please note that your application will NOT be considered complete until we receive all pertinent documentation as requested such as income documentation or other documents that may be requested.
You may reply to this message to send us the income verification documents and any other info, or you can e-mail us at:
In order to process your application in a timely manner, please send us this information within 24 hours of submitting your payment of application and include the exact address of the unit you have applied for when you send us your income documentation.
Once we have received your income verification documents, we will begin processing your application. Application processing may take up to 5 business days or more in certain cases. We will contact you via e-mail or phone when your application has been processed. If your application is approved, we may request that you sign a lease and pay a security deposit for the rental property in order to reserve it.
Please note that Real Property Management will continue to accept other applications for the rental property until a lease is signed and a Security Deposit payment is made.